CK and Dakota started school today. We woke up late. I don’t think Kim slept very well. She woke me up several times during the night asking me what time it was. The last time she asked I said, ” Oh we are in trouble. It is 7:45!” We woke the kids up and I drove McKala and Xenia to school. We came in behind the bus so they were nit late. When I got home Kim was already gone walking CK and Dakota to school. I tried to drive around town looking for her ( it is not a ver big town ) but I had never been there, so I just drove home. Our first day of class in Rennes was today. We had told them we were going to be late. We had only been there once. We just parked and started walking around town. Kim had the wrong adress so we got really lost. We had given up and were headed back to the car. It turns out we had parked as close as we possible could have and just walked off in the wrong direction. We were an hour late to class. The class was ver basic. ” What is your name? How do you spell that?” etc. There at least two other Americans, two Japanese, and one girl from Poland. The two Japanese do not speak any English so this is not a French for English speakers. We ran out of class to pick up Dakota and CK who have a two hours off for lunch. We have not paid or signed anything. They just don’t view money and nutting the same way we do. We walked up to get CK and Dakota. Dakota had a croud of girls around her. CK said they just mobbed her at recess. CK said that he didn’t understand anything, but helped the girl next to him with her math because he finished before her. After walking the kids home Kim and I walked to the grocery store after a rather hecyc morning it was starting to shape up like the experience I was hoping for. We had lunch and then we went out to look for wood. The house is very cold and I like to keep a fire going. Now all the kids are home and they all seem satisfied with school. I am working, hoping they will send my computer back today, still typing on the IPod for email and all computer access.
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