Il fait froid

We finally ran out of fuel. Like fools we let it run out so we are sitting here in the cold hoping to have heat tomorrow. We had fueled delivered yesterday afternoon. I had to speak to the driver and muddle through things. It all seemed good. Interestingly he asked how much fuel I wanted. I told him 1,000 Euros and he pushed some buttons on his truck and started pumping. When I wrote the check it was for 1,000 Euros. There were taxes, but those get calculated before the final total. I love that system! The fuel driver left, but the heat was not coming on. Kim called Phillip and I finally called the heater people. I again had to muddle through phrases like, “I don’t see any buttons under the heater” Well they said they would come out tomorrow to turn it on. We are supposed to leave at 8AM for Paris. It is so cold in here. I have the fireplace going, but unless you are standing over it, it is cold. The kids brought their blankets down and camped in front of the fire. Miranda and McKala stayed in their rooms. Some day soon I hope to chat with people more than I came capable now. Calling someone on the phone and getting through the conversation is a major accomplishment if you ask me.

BTW. Did anyone else see the last episode of “Community” That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, and they have done a lot of amazing things. I don’t know if you have to be a follower of the show to truly appreciate, but man was it incredible.

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