All in one post

Sometimes people can express better than I how I feel about things. John Stewart captures very nicely how I feel about what has happened this last week in AZ. I don’t know if it is might be more disturbing that people here in France are not surprised. They view it as something we are used to in the US. They assume everybody has a gun and that shootings occur regularly. Thankfully they do not. I don’t think there is a way to completely stop these things from happening without becoming a country I do not want to become. The idea of America is more powerful than the reality. I think our goal is to become a more perfect country and though we disagree on how to do that we can agree we should try. At the same time I do believe that as much as 30 second spots on TV can influence us to buy so can 30 minutes of vitriol or 30 seconds of lasciviousness persuade us towards the worse behavior in each of us. Because we are the country we are, the idea of America is that we are a free people, free to disagree and free to be wrong. But let us also be a country that can recognize that wrong in order to become a more perfect union.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Arizona Shootings Reaction
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It almost seems inappropriate to post some pictures in the same post, but I was in the middle of creating this blog and if I want anything to be true it is that crazy does not win.

We all went to a local carnival and even though it was raining we had some fun. Afterward we at kebab. Great night.

Jenny and Patrice are finally leaving. We got to have dinner with Jenny one last time.

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