Tools of the trade

This is my first post since returning from France. This is my second attempt. The first attempt I started explaining more about what had happened at Bank of America and I went down a negative path that I regretted. So I started over. Let me just say that the “official” reason I was let go is that I posted information on my Blog (Sept. 8th) that was considered company confidential. I would love to have that in writing so that I could post it here. That was surprising and that is as far as I need to go down that path. On to job searching.

I have sent a few resumes and I have called a few people. I have been a little disorganized so I took some time to organize myself. One of the tools that I am finding extremely useful is Google Docs. (this site is banned by Bank of America) I first created a spreadsheet listing the target companies. I then created a separate sheet that would list the companies I have sent resumes to. I haven’t learned all the intricacies of sharing, but this is a a shared version.

A second part of Google Docs is where I keep copies of my resume. Here is my general one. Tomorrow I plan on creating at least three different versions. The nice part of Google Docs is I can download the document in PDF or other formats and then attach it in an email. Overall I am very pleased with Google Docs.

My key tool is the list. I haven’t found anything electronic that really delivers as well as a piece of paper and a pencil. I read once where someone said that if electronic was invented first paper and pencil would have been seen as great new technology. I agree. So everyday I create a list of task items and then check them off. I try to make the first 10 relevant to finding a job because that is my most important job right now. After that I will have anything from doing laundry to clearing out my inbox. At the end of the day I can look at the list as I create the next day’s list. Very handy. I can put things (like writing my blog) after the first 10 to provide a reward or incentive. Today’s list has 29 items. It is 2:30PM and I have 11 things checked off. I like the lists.

Just beginning the job search I had one of my tasks to research the church ( to see what was there. Wow. They really have spent a lot of time on their website. This is where my attention took a side trip. I found their study notebook fascinating. Here is a snapshot. (Since I don’t have a lot of pictures here)

Here you can see the notebook with entries that I can click on to read what I wrote or allow me to jump right back to the scripture

Here is the scripture reading where I can add a personal footnote or journal entry.

I haven’t figure out all the ins and outs and how I am going to use this. I kind of wish that there was a way to integrate it into my blog. Again I am just starting to use this so I am still learning. I don’t know if it is only accessible by members or not. I did have to give them my username and password.

OK so I got a little distracted. I went to the church employment website. The first thing they asked was for a username a login.

This is the same username and login that I created years ago and that required my membership record. It is nice how it is all linked together. I was wondering how a non-member would use the site or if they could. I clicked on create an account and I got

What you can’t see is the third option which says “Friends” you can kind of see it here:

I am going to wrap up this blog and maybe continue tomorrow. (If I make it that far down the list) I will say that one of the items on the LDS Jobs website was a little article on what to happens when you find yourself suddenly without a job. The picture was of a good looking business man who looked like he was sitting in his car about ready to cry. It was a Getty image which is a little disappointing, but the article was good. It even said that I should pray to find forgiveness. I agree with that.

Now that I am free from Bank of America I think I am going to remove my password protection. I have never liked that. I think there is great value in oversharing. I am not in a position to make bold statements like, “I hope to never work for a company where I have to worry about what I share” but I do feel that way. Of course I would probably cave in a second if it meant getting or keeping a job.

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