I met with Sonny last night. I am really wanting to start this new company with him. We talked for about two and half hours. Sonny and I are on the same page with what we have envisioned for this company. We don’t agree 100% on on the details or on what we even think ourselves about the details. I am comfortable working with him and I believe that we are headed in the same direction. He wants to wait until June to pull the trigger. I think he wants to be in a little bit of a better financial position to quit. He had wanted to ask a third person to join us, but that person has too much monthly obligation to take the risk and not get paid for 6 months. One thing I think we got nailed down is our name. I told him it didn’t matter (because I don’t believe it does) so pick a name. He said WynnStar Financial. Good enough. He has WynnStar Housing for his apartments that he owns. I looked online and there is wynnstar.com. I will have to ask him if that is his site. It seems to be. I went ahead and registered the name wynnstarfinancial.com. I am now looking for a vanity 800 number.
These are little things that I can do, but what am I supposed to do to fill my time from now until June. I got the official rejection from Microsoft. I was told to expect a call from the hiring manager at US bancorp. That job is in San Francisco. If WynnStar Financial is what I want to do how willing am I to commit or go all in?