I caught two accidents yesterday. One coming into work and another going home. Therefore I was on the road for 4 hours yesterday. Not a real productive use of my time, but they paid me and we can put food on the table. So there you have it. Dakota wanted me home last night and I could have left a lot earlier but I am leaving early today and so I thought it prudent to stay late. I should have gone home early. I accomplished very little in staying late. I want to be more focused at work. My emphasis has been on working longer than everyone else. I am hoping at some point that I am not just trying to keep my job. That is my attitude. And unfortunately working 11 or 12 hour days is the easiest most visible way to prove my worth. Eventually I want to move into the next phase which is actually doing significant things. Not that I have not been appreciated or that I haven’t done anything. I have been praised for what people see as a positive change, but that is due in part to that fact that if I am here 12 hours I probably am going to get something done. I do not have a lot of confidence in my staying power. I could easily be dismissed tomorrow. So my second goal is to make sure I create the experience that will allow me to leave with propulsion. The eventual hiring of a CFO (something that unnecessarily and strangely bothers me) is in the way of that. I can sweep the floors as long as they keep paying me. I do not need any more money. I need security and a backup plan. Hang in there and don’t sacrifice your family too much.
Hang In There Baby
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