I woke up at 3AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I started reading things on the net. I was fascinated with book stores and how they were doing. I thought some of the information was good, but incomplete. I thought maybe I could add to what is out there for good. The problem is that it can’t be a single snapshot in time and be complete. Either it will be a look back with all the forgotten details lost and the mistakes whitewashed or it will be without a conclusion or consequence. For example I was reading a blog about how great a new bookstore was with proof that making it as an independent bookstore is viable. Then I went to look for the bookstore online and it was out of business. What happened? Then there was an article by a guy who claimed he was successful but no detailed explanation about how he got there. So here we are a semi-real time probably very boring blog on the yet to be determined successful or failure of a small business.
The Start of Small Business Owner
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